Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving #3

I realize that I didn't post about my first thanksgiving, but at least I'm making up for it by posting about the other two. Our Thanksgiving that we hosted was my favorite. We had so much fun during the entire process and it was a huge hit. We kept it small which I tend to prefer for intimate holidays anyway. It was our typical group (Me, Joanna, Jo, Will, and Matt) and then Joanna had her Hungarian friend, Flora, over while I invited Liza and Eszter. Liza had class that she couldn't miss, so she wasn't able to come, but Eszter came and seemed to enjoy it. We cooked and cooked and cooked some more (we did ourselves a favor and started the night before) and finally had dinner around 3. It was soooo delicious. We had a 11 pound turkey, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, baked mac and cheese, pumpkin pie, apple tart, jello, and I'm sure there are other things that I'm forgetting. We even topped off the day by streaming the Macy's Day Parade to my computer and watching it while we all dozed.

I was just reminded that I have so much to be thankful for even if I was away from my family for Thanksgiving- more than I'm worth of, that's for sure. I'm so incredibly thankful for the family I have (even if they drive me nuts sometimes) and for the friends that still support me in America and keep up with me, also the friends that I have here and the new friends that I've made. I am unbelievably thankful that I am in Europe and get to spend some time here while I'm still young and can get the most out of it. I know that sometimes I feel like I'm overwhelmed sometimes and that certain stuff doesn't go my way, but I'm still thankful no matter what. It was a good holiday to say the least. But the best part is that now I get to prepare for CHRISTMAS!! It's my absolute favorite.

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