Thursday, December 9, 2010


...or maybe I should say lack thereof. Our team is falling apart medically and somehow it all managed to hit at one time.

I got sick a few weeks ago and couldn't seem to shake the cough that accompanied said cold. Well, after coughing for 4 weeks (with the last week of having my cough out of control because it was so bad) I finally decided to go to the doctor. This was also with much persistence on behalf of the others that I see on a daily basis. I know, I know.. someone hacking up a lung during your whole dinner is annoying to say the least. Well, the doctor didn't know what was wrong with me, so she sent to me a specialist. After spending four hours there and a few tests later, it's officially been diagnosed as acute bronchitis with full blown asthma to accompany it. FUN! So now I'm on 5 different meds and feel like I constantly have an elephant sitting on my chest.

Joanna started getting sick a few days ago and couldn't seem to shake it. Now, this is a big deal considering she's half Asian and has a stellar immune system. So she went to school yesterday to attempt to teach (even though she had lost her voice at this point) and could only make it through her first class. She hit up the university doctor and has been diagnosed with tonsillitis. DOUBLE FUN! So, she too is only medication to see if they can't get that taken care of.

Will is our last sick contestant of the day and his involves his tooth. He had been struggling with some tooth pain for a few days. He went to the dentist and they said that they needed to do an emergency root canal. Even though this came as a surprise, he didn't really have any choice in the matter. So, they operated and sent him on his way with some pain killers. A few days later, at his check up, they realized that the swelling had not gone down and he was still in pain. They gave him some iodine to put into his gum a few times a day to kill any infection that may be causing the swelling. No luck. On his third check up, they cut open his gum and realized that the tooth was dead, the gum was ridiculously infected, and he was in danger of his healthy tooth being infected as well. TRIPLE FUN! Consequently, his tooth was pulled and he's on the mend.

As you can see, we're all pretty much falling apart in one or another. It's strange that it's all happened at the same time and all with very different things... intense things too (it's not like we all have the common cold or something). But, we're all determined to beat this and come out on the other side victorious.. and healthy.

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