Thursday, December 16, 2010

To Remain or not to Remain?

The question that I have been asking myself non-stop for the past week is whether or not I'm thinking about come back to Hungary next year or not. I don't have to give my answer for a bit longer, but I've started thinking about it and praying about it already. Although I'm currently homesick because of the holidays, that surprisingly hasn't played too much a role in my decision so far. My main concern is finances.

I'm struggling so much with my finances because I've started paying back my student loans. It's tough. I put myself on a really strict budget and I'm trying my best to follow it, but it's really difficult with holidays being around. I know that we're called to rest in God and not worry about anything, but I can't help but to stress out in this particular situation.

As is stands right now, I really want to stay another year. I think that it would be great to go into my second year now that I'm finally settled and have a handle on things. It would also be fantastic to truly build up those relationships that I've worked so hard to establish. But, I'm just not sure if it's financially responsible for me to stay here when I make such a small salary. It's something that's been on my mind lately and something that I've been praying about fiercely.

My students asked if I was coming back next year and I told them that I might not because I don't make enough money and they were so upset. They were like "you're not staying to see us graduate!!!" Although they were upset, I must admit that it made me feel pretty good that they want me to come back. :)

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