Saturday, November 13, 2010


Yesterday in class, I was chatting with my 9th grade students and talking about some random things just to get them speaking in English. While, I was talking to some of my students, the other ones were of course talking in Hungarian. Then, all of a sudden one of the kids looks up and was like "Kirsten, do you believe in God?" I of course replied yes. Without a seconds hesitation he said "Why?"

Now, let me me tell you that this kid asks why for EVERYTHING. Literally. He's like a 2 year old child.

"I'm from America"

"Here is your homework"

Some students interrupted the conversation and were like "UGH. you ask why for everything!" and then the subject changed. But, that question did get me thinking. I mean, I know WHY I believe in God, but how do you explain that to someone who has never heard about God and to someone who has limited English. Even if they spoke English fluently, how would I explain that to someone in a country that pretty much despises God? I've been thinking about it pretty much non-stop since then, and I'm still wondering. I think it was a wake up call for me and to be honest, it was a blessing just so my students know where I stand :) I'm very lucky.

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