Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Yesterday was rough. I experienced homesickness yesterday like I never have before and it wasn't an easy day to get through. But, because of Christ's abundant grace and love, I did. But yesterday and today also showed me just how amazing my friends are, but more importantly, how important friendship is.

It's the root of everything, right? Friendship? It's the basis of our relationships, our communities, our families, everything. Marriage is based on friendship. You should marry your best friend. Friends are the ones that get you through the hard times. Friends are the ones that carry you when you feel like you just can't go on. Friends are the ones that often know just what you need at the right moment. Friends are some of the greatest blessings that you could ever have in your life.

My friend, and kindred spirit, Tiffany, knew I was dealing with homesickness and got in contact with my friend Joanna here in order to send me "our" verses. You see, Tiffany has been my "Titus" for many years and I've been hers as well. So, it was only appropriate that she sent me 2 Corinthians 7:5-7
"For when we came into Macedonia, this body of ours had no rest, but we were harassed at every turn—conflicts on the outside, fears within. But God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us by the coming of Titus, and not only by his coming but also by the comfort you had given him. He told us about your longing for me, your deep sorrow, your ardent concern for me, so that my joy was greater than ever."

I cried when I read it. But Joanna was there to give me a huge and lasting hug that made me cry even more. Then, to further the process of healing, Joanna made me mini apple pies to give me a little taste of home. :) Then I was beyond blessed to talk to my Bestie from home whom I haven't been able to talk to in centuries. It was just another little blessing to cheer me up and give me the boost I needed.

See, aren't friends just awesome?? Mine are.

March on, my soul!

1 comment:

  1. Aw! I loved this post.
    I definitely agree 110%.
    I am not sure where I would be in life without the friendships that the Lord has blessed me with throughout the years.
    Thanks for sharing!
    much love, colie

