Monday, February 20, 2012

Seasons of Life

This weekend was a huge range of emotions for me; some good, some bad, some weird...everything. Mostly good, though. This past weekend a bunch of ladies from CEO and some dear friends got together in Pécs (a small, but super quaint town in Hungary) for some fellowship and lots of eating. LOTS of eating. Most of the weekend was just spent hanging out, sharing stories, and walking around the town. But on Saturday, we got together to have a discussion about the seasons of life that we're in and basically the breakdown is as such:

Fall- Change is coming, but it's definitely not for the better. You're preparing for a winter time in your life and you kind of dread what's on the horizon.

Winter- A dry and barren time in your life. It's a time that you feel kind of lost and hopeless and not really sure what to do anymore. I feel like it's pretty self explanatory.

Spring- Again, this is a season of change and transformation, but it's for new and exciting things.

Summer- It's all sun and brilliance in your life. This is definitely a season of blessings and happiness. I think that a lot of times we forget to enjoy this season because we're so sure that it's too good to be true and we're nervous that something bad is going to happen at any time.

Unfortunately, I'm definitely in my winter season right now. It's hard. I have been in this season almost my whole second year in Hungary and it's been difficult to deal with. A lot of people would say that I'm experiencing culture shock now since I never really had it my first year, but I'm not sure that I am or will to be completely honest. I grew up with a lifestyle that forced me to change everything every 3 years. Not just location, but we would move to different "cultures" within the States. From the South, to the North, to the West, to the East...everyone was different and I was always ok with that. I came to this country with no expectations and embraced change from the moment I landed. Right now, though, I will admit that I'm suffering from homesickness. I miss my family and my friends terribly. I miss the ease of life with them and how they know what I need before I do.

However, there is change on the horizon, I'm just not sure if it's spring or fall. I'm moving back to America in the summer and I know NOTHING about what's to come. I mean it...nothing. I don't know where I'll live, with whom, what job I'll have, what car I'll drive...not a single thing. Right now it seems like it's a all type of change, but I think that this could be a really great change in my life, which leads me to think that it's a spring type of change.

Don't get me wrong, I am changing for the better. I'm a stronger person than I've ever been because God is still God and he's growing me in incredible ways. He's teaching me new things about myself and how to face new situations in life with confidence and grace. It doesn't make it easy by any means, but it gives me confidence that there is a purpose and that a new season is coming!

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