Monday, October 4, 2010


So it's been over a week since my last post. There hasn't been a lot going on- I've just been sick for the past week and now it's to the point where it's just annoying because it won't go away. I mean, it's always annoying to be sick, but trying to teach when you've completely lost your voice gives you some new challenges to face... and some new movies to watch with your class.

Today was an especially rough day at school, but it got better as soon as that last bell rang and I was home free. I taught five classes today (3 of which I administered exams) and they were all little devils. No matter what I did, no matter how loud I yelled, no matter how much homework I gave.. it didn't phase them. In one class I just held my breath and started counting down from ten in my mind to calm myself before I went off on the students. One student saw me and was like "uh oh, i think she might be ready to blow up on us."

Then after teaching for five classes, I had a few hours of staff meetings to look forward to, all of which are in Hungarian and I wouldn't understand anything. (Keep in mind I hadn't eaten anything at all during the day, so I was extra grumpy). So after my class and before my meeting, I ran out with a colleague and got something to eat which improved my day. Well, when I went back to school for the meeting, a teacher ran up to me and said she had talked the administration into letting me leave since I wouldn't understand anything. HALLELUJAH! So I ran home and may have accidentally took a 2 hour nap. Then I've been eating my share of chocolate and Skyping with friends.

So the day has gotten better, but I regret the nap since I'll never be able to sleep, especially with all the sugar loaded in me. Now if I could just get rid of this dang cough and get my voice to stop squeaking... :)

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