Sunday, March 6, 2011


I don't have much time to blog right now considering it's way past my bedtime and I have my super long day tomorrow, but I just HAD to blog to let you know something amazing. God is good. I've known this all along, but sometimes God just does a sneak attack and drops this huge bomb on our lives to remind us. My bomb happened today.

I Skyped with some really good friends of mine that I haven't talked to in a while. They knew I had been praying about whether I should come back for another year or not, but never knew my final decision. So, they asked if I had my decision yet and I told them that I decided that God wanted me to stay here for another year and continue to ministry that I had built. She replied, "Good, because I'm not sure what else we'd do with the $7,000 that we decided to donate". Yes, you read right. There were 3 zeros after that 7. I was eating an apple slice as she said that and I literally chocked. I was speechless. I told her that I needed a minute to let that sink in. It's been over an hour now and it still hasn't, really.

They told me that they had been incredibly blessed recently and they wanted to share that blessing. They had also been convicted because recently they've heard so many stories about all these missionaries that have had to take a year off from the work that God has called them to in order to go home and raise money. They prayed and decided that they didn't want me to ever be in that position. God is so good. I can't stop saying it. God laid it on their heart to give that money to be me BEFORE they even knew I was coming back. I JUST started praying about my finances for the next year and God has already take care of half of it before this year is even out. WOW!!!!

I have tons more that i have to blog and catch up, but that will have to be later this week. I just HAD to write about this and share my story of reassurance of God's grace and provision.

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