Friday, March 18, 2011

The Motherland!

This past week on the 15th was a national holiday for Hungary to celebrate their '56 revolution. So- lucky for me I got a 4 day weekend!!! Where did I go? Sweden!!! I say it's the Motherland because my friend Nicki's (who I travelled with) great-grandparents came from. It was absolutely fantastic and so relaxing. The best part of all was the fact that there were no plans- it was a "wing-it" type of trip which was exactly what I needed. We walked around the city, shopped, visited second-hand stores and the like. (The picture is one of the streets that we got to go shopping on- a pretty popular tourist area, I believe)

We even took a day trip to Norway which I will never do again- it was the most expensive place I've ever been. It was approximately $5 just for a Sprite!!!! The trip to and from was quite beautiful though. Nicki high-jacked my camera and proceeded to take about 100 pictures of the same place. BUT I was superrrr excited because on the way back on the bus I saw a legitimate Norwegian moose on the side of the road! I know most wouldn't find that exciting, but I was quite enthralled. (This is NOT one of the pictures that Nicki took- all of hers were at sunset and therefore slightly blurry. This was on the way in to Norway- the city looked like it was floating because of all of the frozen water)

We met some AMAZING people too. We were both very sad to part at the end of our journey, but I know that we'll see them again soon. :) (These are two of the most amazing people in Sweden; Ivar on the left and Jonas on the right. Ivar is studying to be a clown and Jonas is studying magic... it's pretty awesome. They gave us a magic show before we left just so we'd leave laughing- it was great!)

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