Monday, March 7, 2011

Biggest Loser Budapest

So my roommate, her fiance, and I have become recently addicted to the show the Biggest Loser. Joanna and I especially get really emotional every week when we watch it... Will makes fun of us, but we know he's getting chocked up too. Every time we'd watch this show we'd sit around and talk about how we need to eat better and lose more weight. So, one day I was doing dishes and I decided that we should have our own Biggest Loser challenge.

We do our "weigh in" once a week on Monday's to measure weight and check our measurements. We're doing it for 15 weeks, so we're doing a tally. We each put $50 in the pot and decided that for every pound that you gain you owe an extra dollar. That way we have an incentive to not gain the weight back. The first week was great, of course, because I lost 2 kilos (4.4 pounds) but then this week I gained 3 of those pound back. (I blame the women's retreat and all of the delicious temptations that they put in front of us!...which shall be my next post)

It's a great motivator for sure and I'm really excited to get into shape and lose the weight the right way. I just have to push myself really hard so I don't lose that $50. :(

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