Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Connections Galore

I know it's been a while, but I've been busy running all over the place here in the big city. BUT it's been so beneficial because I've been making so many connections and really building my relationships.

First, I'm going to attend an exercise class with a few of my girl students twice a week and I'm really excited about it! It's called Kangoo Jumping and it's basically a dance class where you wear these crazy space- agey looking shoes and jump around to some great, upbeat music. They've also invited me out with them for hot chocolate and just some general hang out time. I have to say that I'm incredibly blessed because it means that my invested time and many, many prayers have started to bear fruit. :)

I also met a guy last night that might possibly start joining the Bible study that I attend every Tuesday. I was meeting with my friend, Nicki, before the Bible study at our little slice of American-heaven...Starbucks. Well, she asked me a question about baseball that one of her students had asked her and we spent a little time discussing it. Then we spent some other time talking about our schools/students, etc. A few minutes later a guy behind me perked up and asked what company we teach with. We started up a conversation with him and then come to find out that he actually went to Lynchburg college which is about 5 miles away from my college, Liberty!! It was crazy. Anyway, we invited him to join our Bible study some time. He said that he goes back and forth in spiritual things, but it interests him nonetheless. So thanks to a loud conversation about baseball being overheard, we might have a new member to our home fellowship group.

I'm really, really excited about these opportunities (among others) that I've been given in order to build relationships and get to know some people through the city.

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