Sunday, January 23, 2011


My students had their version of Prom this past weekend and it was so much fun to attend. They don't have anything like in America, their dances are more like performances. They actually have choreographed waltzes that they do as a class, then a dance that they make up on their own for fun, then a dance with their parents. All of the girls wear wedding dresses and the boys wear tuxedos. The main point of the event is for the 13th graders to recieve a ribbon from the school that is a sign of their up-and-coming graduation. It's to encourage them to keep going and finish strong.

A lot of the Hungarian teachers felt indifferent to the event because they've been through so many of them and the think it's a little pointless, but I really enjoyed it. First, it really made me realize the differences in culture. This is a REALLY big deal to the students here and much more classy than prom. Second, even though it wasn't any of my students getting the ribbons, it still made me proud to be a part of that. If I stay next year, I will be the one up on stage pinning the ribbons on my class that I am the assistant head-teacher for.

Coming back is something that I am continuously praying about since it's such a big decision. I have to make my decision in March and that's only a short time away. There is so much to offer in both places and I know that there isn't any right or wrong answer, but I want to make sure that I'm in the place that God is going to use me the most. Keep praying for me!

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