Monday, August 9, 2010


Now that we're moved into our flat and making it home little by little, there are still some things that I'm absolutely loving that I have to get used to. Here are a few simple differences between the States and Budapest:

-The vast majority of people use public transportation (this is a problem for the directionally challenged like me)
-I am now the minority
-There are no dryers- you gotta do things the old school way and hang your clothes to dry
-Gas stoves only. I realize there are gas stoves in America, but I've never personally had one
-Seeing 1,000 pop up on the register isn't really that big of a deal
-Light switches are normally on the outside of the room
-Closets are a rarity
-More important than your birthday is your name day. They celebrate everyone with that name because they're usually named after celebrated saints
-Milk comes in a bag optionally
-Milk also comes in 1.5% and 2.8%, not the skim, 1, 2, and whole we're used to
-Bread is baked fresh everyday and since they make it with no preservatives, it only lasts about 2 days
-You have to bring your own bags to any store you go to
-Recycling is HUGE over here
-Everything is in Celsius, Kilometers, and kilograms over here

That's all I can think of for now, but there's plenty more. As much as there is to get used to, I'm loving every minute of it.

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