Friday, December 2, 2011

Less Drug Induced This Time...

So Thanksgiving was last week and I wanted to recap for you, but with less over the counter medication blazing through my veins. Thanksgiving was awesome. I got to spend it with a bunch of Americans who brought a traditional American dish. They went all out too and even used stuff they brought from the States. We even got to stream the Macy's Day Parade and the football game. It was quite the epic and delicious day, I must say.


I can't convey how excited I am. It's going to be busy and crazy and I'll probably be tired as all get out, but I am so so so so so excited to see family and friends and just be refreshed from time in American... as short as that time is. I hope that I get to talk and see everyone while I'm home. If not, please forgive me ahead of time.

Mostly, this post is just for me to tell you guys how good God is. I've been going through a REALLY rough time the past few months, but I have to say that I have never grown so much spiritually in my entire life. God has been there through every single step of the way and I am so thankful. Even those days when the last thing I want to be is thankful for the trials in my life. But, I've also been learning what it means to be joyful. Sure, I've been happy for the majority of my life, but I'm really exploring and discovering what it means to have the joy of Christ in my heart even on the crappiest days. Knowing that no matter what is thrown at me, I have the God of all creation on my side and defending me, loving me, and protecting me through it all. It actually brings tears to my eyes thinking about.

Our God is so big and so good and I think that I forget that most of the time. Sure, when people ask me about God I can say, "He's awesome" or "He's the best ever" but I never really sit to reflect on the depth of that. God really IS awesome and he really IS the best ever. Yet, I take it for granted so much. It's no wonder that I'm going through such times. God has been patiently waiting for me to make these discoveries for the past 23 years and I never really grasped the depth of it. Only now, in the most difficult times of my life, are my eyes really open to my amazing, loving, everlasting God. God is teaching me what it means to love, to be loved, to be broken, and a new definition of grace. He's done this by completely wiping away everything I thought I knew and teaching me from scratch. It's hard, yes, but this is something that I believe every Christian should pray for in their life. I've never been so intimate with God and I wouldn't change it for the world... literally.

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