Wednesday, November 23, 2011


So, I realize that I'm jumping the gun on the Thanksgiving thing, but tomorrow is going to be nut-so, so I wanted to make sure it got done. (I mean... I've been jumping the gun on holiday stuff in general, anyway. I can't list all the Christmas cds that I've already listened to)

1. My family. As crazy as they may be, they always support me and are always there for me.
2. My friends that love me even though I whine and complain and completely embarrass them on a pretty regular basis: namely, Janie (woo, Janet!), Joanna (would NOT survive Hungary without her), and Tiffany (I love our dailies. We should keep that up)
3. My church family. They are amazingggggg. Seriously.
4. Medicine. Which I'm currently loaded on. I'm sick and have been consuming medicine like it's candy. Probably not healthy.
5. Nsync.
6. Christmas.
7. Puppies.
8. Being able to live in Europe.
9. America
10. American troops. Even though I will never get to thank even 1% of them personally, I will never be able to express my gratitude
11. Food
12. Shoes
13. Chocolate
14. Cars
15. The fact that I am blessed every single day no matter how difficult my life seems to be.

I'm so thankful for a God that cares for me and loves me more than I will ever be able to fathom.

I'm really sorry about this post. Like previously mentioned, I'm very out of it with all the medication in my system, but for whatever reason I had to post right NOW. I'll probably read this later with a bit of embarrassment.

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