Monday, February 7, 2011

It's a Cold One

This winter has been brutal, I must say. The past three days have been a HUGE (and I really mean HUGE) blessing from God because we have had sunshine for 3 days now. I know this may not seem like a big deal, but we literally haven't had a weeks worth of sun since Thanksgiving time. It was also glorious because it was also the first time since December that I've been able to wear anything except a parka. The temperatures have gotten up to a steamy 40s and we're loving it.

Unfortunately, the temperatures are expected to drop again this week and at some point, the sunshine shall disappear again soon. Luckily, we only have a little over a month more to endure before spring finally rolls into Budapest. The reason for this post though is to call attention to the post that has been added to my company's website. Bills have been higher than ever due to heating and everything, making it a pretty expensive winter. A Hungarian pastor that is with our company here had a heating bill for his family of over $300!!! That's really tough on a pastor's budget.

So, this blog isn't really for us. Our budgets are a little tighter because of bills, but I really wanted to draw attention to this moreso for the other families and partners that are suffering. Please prayerfully consider this. I know that budgets are tight all around, so if you're not able to actually donate, please pray that God will provide the funds needed for these families/partners. Thank you!!!

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