I think that it's built into the very core of our human nature to be afraid of the unknown. I mean, look at people who are afraid of the dark. It's not the dark itself, but it's the fear of what could be hiding in that darkness.
We all have fears.
I have fears.
That I won't find a job to support me in America.
That I'll be single for longer than I ever imagined.
That I'll never be the witness that I'm supposed to be.
We all have fears.
However, we have a God that is bigger than our fears. In my absolute favorite book of all time, Redeeming Love, God speaks to one of the characters and says, "I have not given you a heart of fear".
God has everything in his control and he knows every single step that we will ever take and know every decision that we will ever make before we even have cause to think about it. Therefore, all we have to do is follow Jesus and he will guide our steps for us. Always easier said than done.
You see, we are blessed with a God that is ALWAYS there for us. In the dark times of our lives. In the silent times of our lives. In the crappiest times of our lives. But, we don't have to fear because of that. We can give those emotions to God and he will gladly accept them and acknowledge them. It doesn't necessarily make our journey any easier to accept or complete, but it does make it easier to know that we can NEVER go wrong if we are following the One that has our lives in His hands.
I like rusty spoons... How about you?