Thursday, April 12, 2012


London was one of the more unusual holidays that I've taken, but I still liked it. One of the harder parts is that we were touring wth 6 people and that's always tough because you can't please everyone. But that's alright...I got to go to the Harry Potter movie set. Let me just tell you, that was one of the most epic experiences I've had. I met a lovely English girl named Tasha who could possibly be a bigger HP nerd than I am. However, we were both big enough nerds to go alone and therefore bonded and hung out the whole time. We had tons of fun and geeked out too many times to count. I may or may not have taken over 300 pictures while there....

The city was beautiful though and I was so glad that my friend Eric got to come from the States and enjoy it with me (that's us laughing like fools in front of the London Tower). We all had such a fabulous time. One of my favorite parts was the church service. We went to the Hillsong London church and it was AH-MAZING. It was so different, so powerful, and incredibly refreshing. They started with a few worship songs of the traditional singing style and then moved into the "message". The entire Easter message was delivered through different dramas and "acts" if you will. There was ballet to represent Adam and Eve and being cast out of Eden; hip hop; rap; soul music; short films; rock...literally everything. It was so moving and so amazing to watch. These people have genuine talent and I'm sure that it's something that they rarely get a chance to use in church, but they got to use it to show the most powerful message ever- the story of Christ's death on the cross. It was truly moving.

We got to see some of the more traditional things too: Buckingham, Tower of London, Millenium Bridge, St. Paul's Cathedral, Westminister, Big Ben...all of that good stuff.

And can I just say how weird it was to go to a country where you could talk to anyone you wanted??? Like, if I needed a picture taken of our group, I could choose anyone that I wanted from the group and they could actually understand me!!! Strange things that you learn to appreciate when you live in a country where no one speaks your language and you can barely speak theirs, let me tell you.

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