Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Coming together

Well, I know that it's been a while since I've been able to post something on the blog, but things have been a little hectic and, to be honest, there hasn't been much to update. Now, that things are finally moving along, quite a few things have come to pass. First, I've officially purchased my plane ticket to go! YAY! I'm so excited. I'm also finally to pack a few bags that we're sending over a little early. So, with all these little things coming together, it's starting to make things a little more real.

Fundraising is still going on and still quite the challenge for my faith. When I got my first report of where I was standing financially, I didn't actually get as much as I was expecting. But, after talking with a few of my old friends and much wiser people, it really helped me realize that the Lord WILL provide exactly what I need for this trip. Not only will he provide, but He'll provide it with the perfect timing too.

So, for now, keep me in your prayers and specifically pray for my fundraising and my faith to keep growing during this whole process!

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