Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Let me just start by saying that I LOVEEEEEE Prague. It was great. Easily the best vacation that I've had so far since I've lived in Hungary. Everything about it was perfect. The weather was great, the food was fantastic, the city was beautiful, and my friends made last minute trips in to come and see me... all of it was perfect.

Another reason that Prague was so great is that I feel like I've finally started getting over my winter depression/winter season a bit. The sun is finally shining and I can see outside past 3 in the afternoon which helps tremendously! In Prague, I was able to catch up with my friend Sharon that lived in Budapest last year and it was like medicine for my soul. I miss our conversations that can last for hours without a break and how we can easily have 3 conversations happening all at the same time without getting confused. It was just so nice to be on holiday with someone that KNOWS me and I don't have to give background for everything before I tell a story. It was a relief.

It was also a great chance for me to get my friends Dave and Brian a bit more. We spent days together just asking each other questions and listening to stories that truly gave us insight into one another's lives. They're great guys. I loved vacationing with Dave because we love doing the same thing on holiday...nothing. We wake up when we want, go where our feet take us, eat whenever we feel like it, and just get to know the city by wandering around.

I loved everything about my vacation. It was everything that I needed and God really spent time healing me. I was genuinely relaxed and stress-free for the first time in a long time and it couldn't have come at a better time. God knew I needed this and it was such a blessing.

Here are some pictures from this weekend. I didn't bust out the camera a lot, but I got some key shots, I think. I wish I had a picture of my friend Dave running around the streets like a T-rex but I was too busy crying from laughing so hard on the side of the road to reach for my camera. Maybe I can persuade him to do it again when we travel to London next month... :)

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